Home » THe Mister Dutchie Blog » Our new Website is Live: Website & Content by Bridge Marketing

Our new Website is Live: Website & Content by Bridge Marketing

magine this. You have an idea in your head for a potentially groundbreaking new product, service or business, but you are not sure about the best way to put it to the market. That’s where Bridge Marketing comes in. Founded by copywriter Daphne Striekwold and web developer Arjen van Leeuwen, Bridge Marketing is an all-round marketing & web development agency that helps entrepreneurs in the tech sector build their brand from scratch. Their approach starts by identifying your unique value that makes you stand out from the competition, and then proceeds to translate this unique value into a strong brand with a functional website, SEO-friendly content and a consistent social media strategy.

We, Kelvin and Sander from the digital art company Mister Dutchie, had the pleasure of working with Arjen on their website. Arjen joined us at Sander’s kitchen table, where we spent several days working together on the website. With Arjen’s expertise in web development and technology, we were able to create a website that truly showcased Mister Dutchie’s unique style and creativity. As a result of weeks of hard working, we are proud to show our website to the world!

At the end of their collaboration, we were extremely pleased with the results. “Arjen really understood our vision and helped us bring it to life,” said Sander. “We’re thrilled with our new website and can’t wait to show it off to the world.”

So if you’re looking for a company that can help you bridge the gap between marketing and technology, look no further than Bridge Marketing. With their expertise and dedication to their clients, they’re sure to help you achieve your digital marketing goals.

And don’t forget to check out the photo of Arjen, Kelvin, and Sander working together at the kitchen table – it truly captures the spirit of collaboration and creativity that we are all about!

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